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DF Observatory

Education, Innovation and Governance for Development

I. Date of signature and identification of the instrument

CONTRACTOR:FEDERAL DISTRICT RESEARCH FOUNDATION - FAPDF.  Grant and Acceptance Term No. 402/2022 - FAPDF/SUCTI/COOTEC. Signature Date: November 21, 2022. End: November 20, 2024



II. Object

Project “Development of the Education Quality Index of the Federal District”

III. Linked scholarship holders


IV. Total value of the partnership and amounts released

Total Project Value:BRL 1,500,000.00

Amount made available: BRL 1,500,000.00

V. Status of Partnership Accountability

Deadline for Rendering Accounts: 02/01/2025

60 days after the end of the contract

SAW. Expected Values

The total amount of remuneration for the work team and the expected remuneration for the respective fiscal year is available in the Action Plan, as well as information on targets.

Public Call 001/2023:The purpose of this call is to select interested parties to grant research, development and innovation grants, pursuant to art. 9, paragraph 4 of Law 10.973/2004 and Art. 26 of Law nº 9.250/1995, which meet the requirements of the Term of Reference contained in Annex 1 of this call and item 3 of this public notice. The selected fellows developed activities within the scope of RBCIP projects.

Public Call 02-2022 - RBCIP:
 7 (SEVEN) scholarships will be awarded with an expected duration of 6 (six) months, 2 (two) scholarships for Researchers with a minimum Doctorate degree, 1 (one) for Doctoral Researcher in an Authorized Course in Brazil, 1 (one ) Master Researcher, 1 (one) for Researcher Mastering in an Authorized Postgraduate Course in Brazil, 2 (two) for Scientific Initiation Graduating and can be renewed or canceled, according to the project's budget availability.

Public Call 01-2023 - RBCIP: 05 (FIVE) scholarships will be awarded with different duration stipulated by area, with 1 (one) vacancy for Master's/Post-Graduate scholarship holder with professional experience by Public Call - Computing Area - Observatory Developer (reserve registration), 1 (one) vacancy for Master's Scholar /Specialist by Public Call - Computing Area - UI/UXObservatory (reserve registration), 2 (two) vacancies for Master's/Post-Graduate Scholarship by Public Call - Computing Area (reserve registration), 1 (one) for Master's scholarship holder in the Portuguese area ( immediate start), which may be renewed or canceled, depending on the budget availability of the project.

Internal Selection 01-2023 - RBCIP: 01 (one) scholarships will be awarded with an expected duration of 10 (ten) months, 1 (one) Master Researcher with a degree in law and experience in carrying out research in the Federal District, in particular at the FAP Foundation;

Public Call 02-2023 - RBCIP: One (01) scholarship will be awarded to Graduates (Front-End Development Area -UI/UX), with experience in Public Calling, which may be renewed or canceled, depending on the budget availability of the project. Observation.: No candidate was considered suitable for the scholarship and for the activities. Summons has been changed.

Public Call 02-2023 - Rectification 1 - RBCIP: After adjustments with the FAP. Granting of 3 research grants with the objective of conducting research activities, according to the Notice of the DF RBCIP/FAP-DF Challenge Program and the work plan presented and, in particular, acting on (1) improving the development of the system (UX/ UI), (2) in the development of a model for disseminating a culture of evaluation in the Department of Education, suggesting methodologies and practices.

VII. Action plan


VIII. Timeline


Headquarters Brasilia:

SHIN CA 11 Lot 05, Block A, Room 206 to 211 - Le Office Building, Lago Norte, Brasília/DF, CEP: 71.503-511


+55 61 3039-7776

Roraima branch:

Rua Pedro Rodrigues; Number: 80; Neighborhood: Center; Municipality: Boa Vista/RR; ZIP code: 69.301-180

São Paulo branch:

Rua Cap Antonio Rosa, 409, Jardim Paulistano, São Paulo/SP, CEP: 01.443-010

Rio Grande do Sul Branch:

Avenida Ipiranga, number 6681, Bairro Partenon, Complement: 5th Floor, Building97A - TECNOPUC, Porto Alegre/RS, CEP 90.619-900 

Mato Grosso do Sul Branch:

Av. Afonso Pena, 5723 - Room 1504, DT 117, Bairro Royal Park, Evolution Business Center Building, Campo Grande/MS, CEP: 79.031-010

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