Mato Grosso do Sul will receive R$2 billion in investment to install a green hydrogen plant
Project involves partnership between UFMS, RBCIP and GWE, with training of 500 specialists FROM THE EDITORIAL TEAM (CAPITAL_NEWS)...

MS receives 2 billion for the installation of a green hydrogen plant by 2030
FROM THE EDITORIAL TEAM (O_ESTADO_ONLINE) 12/07/2024 - 10:45 Read more at: https://oestadoonline.com.br/economia/ms-recebe-2-bilhoes-pa...

RBCIP’s Significant Presence in the Green Hydrogen Debate in Correio Braziliense
This Wednesday (26/9), Correio Braziliense is holding an essential seminar for Brazil's energy future, entitled "Green Hydrogen: the fuel...

RBCIP and GWE conduct Technical Visit to Fertilizer Producer to Advance Projects Related to Green Hydrogen
The Brazilian Certification, Research and Innovation Network (RBCIP) and Green World Energy Hydrogen took an important step in their...

International Cooperation and Regulation in the Green Hydrogen Sector
The Importance of International Cooperation for Green Hydrogen At the CB Debate — Green Hydrogen: the Fuel of the Future , experts...

Green Hydrogen: Opportunities and Challenges for Brazil
Green hydrogen: a new source of wealth for Brazil Green hydrogen (H2V) is seen as essential for the energy transition and a promising...

RBCIP Celebrates Milestone: Delivery of One of the Largest Green Hydrogen Generators in Brazil
The Brazilian Certification, Research and Innovation Network (RBCIP) is proud to announce a significant milestone in our mission to...